Could we BE any more excited for this episode?! Join us as we discuss the long-awaited FRIENDS reunion via Instagram Live! In season 1 we reviewed and ranked every Jennifer Aniston film, so we were so excited to revisit Jen and the rest of the FRIENDS cast as they took a trip down memory lane.

We discuss everything from the moment they walked back on set, the host, the fashion show, and of course the mind-blowing reveal of David Schwimmer & Jen’s real life crush on each other! TBH, we were worried the reunion was over-hyped & wouldn’t live up to our expectations, but excited to say it was exactly what we wanted to see! You can also purchase the "ICONIC" Rachel Green hairstyle shirt Ally was wearing in our live stream at the merch store link below!

Girl Crush Podcast is a movie review podcast hosted by best friends Anne & Ally. They celebrate women in film by choosing an actress & reviewing/ranking every single movie in her filmography. Season 1 was a deep dive into everything Jennifer Aniston, and Season 2 covers all things Sandra Bullock! Anne & Ally have watched ALL 39 Jen movies and ALL 48 Sandy B movies, making them the true experts on each actress's film portfolio.