Trailer | Girl Crush Podcast
Introducing Girl Crush Podcast, the ultimate celebration of women in film. Follow along with us as we select a girl crush each season, watch/review every movie in her filmography, and rank them! We rate each movie on 5 categories, leading to a total score out of 37 points.
Season 1 (2020): Jennifer Aniston
Season 2 (2021): Sandra Bullock
Season 3 (coming in 2022): Reese Witherspoon
More about Girl Crush:
VOTE for Girl Crush! We're excited to be part of the People's Choice Podcast Awards! Vote for Girl Crush here by creating a log-in & selecting Girl Crush Podcast for both of the categories we're up for (People's Choice and TV/Film). Voting is open now through July 31, 2022. We appreciate your support!
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