May 3, 2022

3.13 - 1800s Period Pieces | Reese Witherspoon

This week we bring it back to the 1800s with two period pieces!

First, we review the 2004 film Vanity Fair starring James Purefoy alongside Reese Witherspoon in this period film based off of a novel. This oh-so-boring plot was made better by the strength of Reese's acting! Listen to find out how we balance an underwhelming plot with good acting in our rankings.

Next up is another 1800s written work turned film - the 2002 film The Importance of Being Earnest. Colin Firth and Judi Dench round out a strong cast alongside Reese Witherspoon. Despite Reese having a smaller role in this movie, we found the plot to be a lot more engaging than Vanity Fair!

Tune in to hear how we rate these films on our 5 categories: Plot, Character, Acting, Would You Watch Again, and this season's bonus category Whiskey Tea Cups (aka Sass).

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